Friday, July 8, 2016

Adrenaline 07/08/16

"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria plays as we see the crowd that is jam packed inside the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. Rich Brennan: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and once again welcome to your sixty-minute Adrenaline rush! I am Rich Brennan and I am joined by my broadcast partner, Kyle Edwards. Kyle, we have a packed card for the fans tonight. KE: Yes we do. Tonight we will JT Dunn take on Colt Cabana. Also tonight we will see Tommy Dreamer take on Aaron Stevens. RB: Also tonight we will see in our Main Event of the evening, Moose takes on SCW Champ Chris Hero on what will be Moose's final night here. But first lets send it to Devin Taylor to handle introductions for our first match of the night,

1. JT Dunn vs. Colt Cabana
Result- JT Dunn

RB: A big win for Dunn as he continues to rack up the wins. Up next we have one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions Tommy Dreamer in action versus Aaron Stevens. KE: And later we still have the great main event match that will be Moose versus Chris Hero. but first let's send it to Jason Jones who is standing by with Lio Rush. JJ: Lio next week we will see you take on a mystery opponent in the main event of Adrenaline. How do you prepare when you aren't sure who you are fighting? LR: Real easily, why because at the end of the day, I am the best wrestler in SCW! JJ: Back to you guys in the booth. RB: Alright well up next we have one of our tag team champions in action.

2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Aaron Stevens
Result- Tommy Dreamer

Singles Match for SCW Heavyweight Championship
3. Chris Hero vs. Moose
Result- Chris Hero

RB: Thank you for joining us for a great night of action packed wrestling. We will see you next week!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Adrenaline 07/01/16

"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria plays as we see the crowd that is jam packed inside the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. Rich Brennan: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and once again welcome to your sixty-minute Adrenaline rush! I am Rich Brennan and I am joined by my broadcast partner, Kyle Edwards.  Kyle, what a show we have planned tonight. We will see SCW Heavyweight Champion Chris Hero and Stu Sanders both in action as they prepare for Cyber Sunday. KE: Hero will square off with David Hart Smith. And then after that Stu Sanders will clash with Cody Hall. Also tonight we will find out who will advance to Cyber Sunday in the X Division Championship match. RB: And in our first match of the evening we will see Amber Gallows take on Kimber Lee. So her we go, down to Devin Taylor to handle in ring introductions.

1. Amber Gallows vs. Kimber Lee
Result- Kimber Lee

RB: A huge win for Lee. Well up next we have the Stu Sanders going one on one with Cody Hall. KE: And later we still have the great main event match that will be David Hart Smith versus Chris Hero. but first let's send it to Jason Jones who is standing by with SCW X Division Champ Lio Rush. JJ: Thanks guys, Lio as you prepare for your title match at Cyber Sunday, how do you plan on walking away still the champion? LR: Well you see, I am the hottest thing going in wrestling today and I will be damned if I will let anyone stand in my way. Six men will compete, only three will advance to face me in a fatal four way. and whether that fatal four way is an Elimination Match, or a Ultimate X Match, or even a Steel Cage match, the point is I will walk away champion. JJ: Back to you guys in the booth. RB: Alright well up next we have Stu Sanders taking on Cody Hall.

2. Stu Sanders vs. Cody Hall
Result- Stu Sanders wins via pinfall

RB: Up next we have the qualifying match for the X Division Championship match as Gran Guerrero, Teddy Hart and Lowki face off with Kota Ibushi, Mark Andrews, and Seiya Sanada. The winning team will advance to Cyber Sunday to fight Lio Rush and the losing team will fight in a loser leaves SCW Match at Cyber Sunday.

3. Gran Guerrero & Teddy Hart & Lowki vs. Kota Ibushi & Mark Andrews & Seiya Sanada
Result- Gran Guerrero & Teddy Hart & Lowki

4. Chris Hero vs. David Hart Smith
Result- No Contest following inteference from Stu Sanders, Teddy Hart, The Fortunate Sons, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman

JJ: Thank you for joining us for a great night of action packed wrestling. We will see you next week!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Adrenaline 06/24/16

"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria plays in the background as we see a shot of the crowd that is packed inside the College Park Center. Rich Brennan: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to your sixty-minute Adrenaline rush! Once again, I am Rich Brennan and I am joined by my broadcast partner, Kyle Edwards. Kyle, what a huge main event we had last week that saw SCW Heavyweight Champion Chris Hero retain over Cage. KE: What a match it was Rich, and tonight we will see Hero face off versus X Division Champion Lio Rush. Plus we will see ladies tag team action. RB: Also we will see in our main event of the evening, Tim Storm and a partner of his choosing versus Sami Callihan and JT Dunn. And we know what big implications that match holds! Plus we are expecting an update on Revolution from GM Dutch Mantell. So without further ado lets send it to Devin Taylor in the ring.

1. Crazy Mary Dobson and Havok vs. Amber Gallows and Veda Scott
Result- Crazy Mary Dobson

RB: What a match that was. Now we head to the back where Jason Jones is standing by with Dutch Mantell, Jason. JJ: Yes, here I am with Adrenaline GM Dutch Mantell, and I understand that the board has informed you of a decision regarding Revolution, what is it? DM: Jason the announcement is that when Revolution goes live we will be introducing an exclusive roster to both shows and what that entails is this, unique rosters, commentators, and yes, you heard it here first, at Cyber Sunday we will unveil the new GM of Revolution who will bring with him not one, but two new championships to SCW. JJ: Guys, back to you! RB: What a major announcement by Dutch as we now know unique rosters and TWO new championships to SCW. Up next we will see Chris Hero versus Lio Rush.

2. Chris Hero vs. Lio Rush
Result- Chris Hero win by Submission

DT: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, If Team Storm win, then at Cyber Sunday there will be a one on one match for the SCW Television Championship but if Team Strong Style win there will be a triple threat match for the Title. Introducing first at a combined weight of 383 pounds, Sami Callihan and JT Dunn, Team Strong Style! And their opponents at a combined weight of 498 pounds Tim Storm and Wolfie D.

3. Tim Storm & Wolfie D vs. Sami Callihan & JT Dunn
Result- Team Strong Style by pinfall

JJ: Thank you for joining us for a great night of action packed wrestling. We will see you next week!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Adrenaline 06/17/16

"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria plays in the background as we see a shot of the crowd that is packed inside the College Park Center. Rich Brennan: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to your sixty-minute Adrenaline rush! Once again, I am Rich Brennan and I am joined by my broadcast partner, Kyle Edwards. Kyle, what a huge main event we have tonight. KE: It is huge. Tonight we will see SCW Heavyweight Champion Chris Hero face off with "The Machine" Brian Cage. RB: And in our first match of the evening we will see Tim Storm face off once again with a mystery opponenet. But first we have a major announcement as we finally meet the man who will represent the Board of Directors. However, I have just received word that there was a slight delay at the airport and that the decision has been made to go ahead with our opening contest. So down to Devin Taylor we go!

1. Tim Storm vs. Sami Callihan
Result- Sami Callihan wins by Submission

Post Match- After the ref rings for the bell, as Sami goes to leave Storm attempts to attack him. Just as Storm is getting the upper hand< JT Dunn hits the ring and throws Storm off Callihan. Then Callihan and Dunn are getting after Storm when strange music hits. RB: Who could it be??? (Dutch Mantell walk through curtain) DM: My name is "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, and I am from now on the representative of the SCW Board of Directors and the General Manager of Adrenaline! Now gentlemen, gentlemen, Stop the fighting right now. I have a show to run and it will go as smooth as I say it will! Sami, JT, Next week I am granting you a match versus Tim Storm. But don't get too excited just yet. Storm, I suggest you find someone to tolerate you because next week it will be Tim Storm and a partner of his choosing versus JT Dunn and Sami Callihan in the main event of Adrenaline! But wait there's more. If Callihan and Dunn win, At Cyber Sunday it will be a triple threat for the SCW Television Championship. If you can pull off the win Storm, There will be voting for you opponent and the tree options will be, Sami Callihan, JT Dunn, and whoever your partner is next week! Good Luck! My other announcement is this, On August the first, we will see the debut of a brand new SCW show on Monday nights and it will be called Revolution. Not only will it be a seperate show but it will be a seperate brand complete with it's own GM. The specifics of that brand will be announced as the weeks come closer. Enjoy the rest of the show and have a good evening!

RB: What an announcement we just witnessed! Dutch Mantell is the new GM of Adrenaline and not only that but on August 1st, we will be introduced to a whole new brand known as Revolution. KE: What does that all entail, New championships?, New announcers?, Maybe even more wrestlers under the SCW umbrella? RB: We will just have to wait to find out I guess but up next is our main event of the evening between SCW Heavyweight Champion Chris Hero and "The Machine" Brian Cage!

SCW Heavyweight Championship Match
2. Chris Hero vs. Brian Cage
Result- Chris Hero wins via pinfall

JJ: Thank you for joining us for a great night of action packed wrestling. We will see you next week!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Adrenaline 06/10/16

"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria play in the background as we see a shot of the crowd inside the Barton Coliseum. Rich Brennan: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to your sixty-minute Adrenaline rush! Once again, I am Rich Brennan and I am joined by my broadcast partner, Kyle Edwards. Kyle, we have a packed card for the fans tonight. KE: Yes we do. Tonight we will see the debuting JT Dunn take on SCW Television Champion Tim Storm as Dunn accepts the open challenge laid forth by Storm. Also tonight we will see Tommy Dreamer take on Cody Hall. RB: Also tonight we will see in our Main Event of the evening, a little bit of international flair as Gran Guerrero, Kota Ibushi, Stu Sanders and David Hart Smith face off to see who earns a SCW Heavyweight Championship match at Cyber Sunday where they will fight the winner of Hero versus Cage, which takes place in the main event of next weeks Adrenaline. But first lets send it to Devin Taylor to handle introductions for our first match of the night,

1. Tim Storm vs. JT Dunn
Result- JT Dunn wins by pinfall following Death by Elbow

RB: Big win for Dunn. One has to wonder what that means for Tim Storm. KE: Up next we have one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions Tommy Dreamer face off against Cody Hall. RB: And we know that the tension between these two is running high as Dreamer and The Sandman dethroned Hall and Corino as champs last week. One has to wonder, will this match stay one on one throughout or will there be interference in the end?

2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Cody Hall
Result- Cody Hall wins by pinfall following interference by Colby Corino

RB: Now we send it to Jason Jones, who is standing by with Tim Storm in the back. Jason take it away. JJ: Thanks guys, I am here with SCW Television Champion Tim Storm and Tim, Last week you issued an open challenge to any pro wrestler to come to SCW this week and challenge you. How prepared for this match were you? TS: It's simple as this, When you are the best wrestler in the world, you don't have to worry about who'll show up. Tonight may not have gone my way but the challenge remains the same! Next week, I take on all comers, I
ll even take you on again JT Dunn JJ: Back to you guys. RB: What a challenge we have layed down for the opening contest of next weeks Adrenaline and folks we have just been told to inform you that the SCW Board of Directors will be sending it's representative who will oversee Adrenaline and will have a major announcement to kick off next weeks Adrenaline! KE: But first we go back to Devin Taylor for the in ring introductions for our main event tonight.

Winner faces SCW Heavyweight Champion at SCW Cyber Sunday
3. Gran Guerrero vs. David Hart Smith vs. Stu Sanders vs. Kota Ibushi
Result- Stu Sanders

JJ: Thank you for joining us for a great night of action packed wrestling. We will see you next week!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Adrenaline 06/03/16

"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria play in the background as we see a shot of the crowd packed inside the Barton Coliseum. Rich Brennan: Good Friday Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to your sixty-minute Adrenaline rush! I'm Rich Brennan and I am joined by my broadcast colleague, Kyle Edwards. And Kyle, I got to tell ya, it feels great to finally get this show on the road. KE: Yes it does, and what a debut card we have in store for you tonight. Tonight we will see R,D, Evans take on SCW Television Champion Tim Storm. Also tonight we will see a Lio Rush team up with Jason Kincaid take on Colt Cabana and Aaron Stevens. JJ: And in our Main Event of the evening, we will see the SCW Tag Team Champions challenge against a mystery team. But first lets send it to Devin Taylor to handle introductions for our first match of the night,

1. Tim Storm vs. R.D. Evans
Result- Tim Storm wins by pinfall

 RB: That will give him a reason to stake a claim as number one contender to Chris Hero's Championship. Tim Storm: I have a lot to say, so I'll say what I have to as quick as I can. I just whipped this piece of crap in the ring. I am here to issue an open challenge to any wrestler in the world. Come fight me at Next Week and I will put you down with the Eye of The Storm. And then when I get through with you, listen up Hero, because I'm coming for you son.

RB: Big words from Tim Storm after what was a dominating victory over R.D. Evans. Well, up next we have Colt Cabana and Aaron Stevens team up against Jason Kincaid and SCW Crusierweight Champion Lio Rush. KE: And we know that in tonight's main event, SCW Tag Team Champions The Fortunate Sons will face off with a mystery team. I wonder who will show up to accept the challenge?

2. Colt Cabana & Aaron Stevens Vs. Jason Kincaid & Lio Rush
Result- Colt Cabana & Aaron Stevens

DT: Ladies and Gentlemen, The following contest is scheduled for one fall and I have just been informed will be contested under no disqualifications and is also for the SCW Tag Team Championships. Introducing first at a combined weight of 376 pounds, Cody Hall and Colby Corino, The Fortunate Sons! RB: What a major announcement that not only will this match be no DQ but it will now also be for the Titles. KE: I am honestly wondering who will chall- (Enter Sandman begins playing) RB: OH MY GOD! It can't be! KE: It is! It's The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer! DT: And thier opponents, at a combined weight of 485 pounds, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman!

3. The Fortunate Sons vs. Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman
Result- Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

RB: Thank you for joining us for a great night of action packed wrestling. What a shock it was as we have new Tag Champs in the team of Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. We will see you next week!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

SCW One Night Stand 2016 5/29/16

"Click, Click, Boom" by Saliva hits as we see a shot of the crowd. "Hello and welcome to Southern Championship Wrestling's One Night Stand." I am Kyle Edwards and this is my broadcast partner Rich Brennan. And Rich what a show we have in store tonight. We will see all five titles fought for and at the end of the night we will crown a SCW Champion. Kyle, When Chris Hero Meets Stu Sanders, who knows what will happen. So without further ado, let's get started!

Street Fight
1. Frankie Pickard vs. Mark Andrews
Result- Frankie Pickard

Triple Threat Tables Match For The SCW Tag Team Championship
2. Hart Attack vs. Fortunate Sons vs. Colt Cabana & Aaron Stevens
Result- Fortunate Sons (Hall & Corino)

Edwards:Lets send to Jason Jones who is standing by with the new champs the Fortunate Sons,
Jones:Hey guys, now that you guys have won the championship, what is next for you? Hall: Well Jason, We here don't care who it is we fight next. We challenge any tag team in the world to come to the debut of Adrenaline on the 3rd and fight us in the Main Event. Potts: And I guaran-damn-tee we will walk away the winners. Jones: Thanks for your time guys. Back to you guys in the booth. Edwards: Alright up next we have another great match between Sami Callihan and Bull James. Brennan: And after that Tim Storm versus Vordell Walker for the SCW Television Championship.

First Blood Match
3. Sami Callihan vs. Bull James
Result- Sami Callihan

Ladder Match For The SCW Television Championship
4. Tim Storm vs. Vordell Walker
Result- Tim Storm

2 Out of 3 Falls Match for #1 Contendership To The SCW Heavyweight Championship
5. Brian Cage vs. Lowki
Result- Brian Cage

SCW Women's Championship Match
6. Amber Gallows vs. Crazy Mary Dobson
Result- Crazy Mary Dobson

Ladder Match For The SCW Cruiserweight Championship
7. Lio Rush vs. Jason Kincaid
Result- Lio Rush

60 Minute Iron Man Match For The SCW Heavyweight Championship
8. Stu Sanders vs. Chris Hero
Result- Chris Hero
Thanks for a good night and remember Drive Safe!